About First Flight

“Sometimes, the smallest thing can change your life…”
One of nature’s smallest birds, a Black-chinned Hummingbird, built her nest on a backyard clothesline in Las Vegas, NV. The clothesline belonged to a team of documentary filmmakers, Noriko and Don Carroll, authors of the highly acclaimed book, First Flight: A Mother Hummingbird’s Story.
This enchanting and remarkably detailed nature film reveals the tireless efforts of the mother, who the Carrolls call Honey. As she furbishes her tiny nest with delicate spider webs and soft plant fibers to prepare for arrival of her eggs, the Carrolls record her every move.
Stunning close-up photography brings you into the nest as the hatchlings emerge from their shells. As small as two plump little raisins, the chicks are named Ray and Zen. A dedicated mom, Honey courageously fights off predators, nurturing and feeding her helpless chicks as they begin to grow into beautiful young hummingbirds.
First Flight A Mother Hummingbird's Story Trailer
The Carroll team spent three years documenting Honey’s life on HD video for this remarkable production. Informative narration by the authors and an inspiring sound track by the critically acclaimed musicians: Suzanne Teng, Jeff Wahl, Justin Bianco, Richard Savino, Mutandina help round out this story that is both educational and delightfully entertaining. First Flight is appropriate for all ages.
Secrets of the Hummingbird's Tongue Trailer
High-speed footage reveals the most detailed close up image of a hummingbird’s tongue while shipping nectar. This extraordinary shot movie is included in the First Flight DVD.