Bird and nature fans will be entranced
“This enchanting nature documentary follows the dedicated efforts of a tiny black-chinned hummingbird (nicknamed “Honey” by filmmakers Don Carroll and Noriko Carroll) to lay, incubate, and hatch two tiny raisin-sized eggs and raise the fledgling chicks. The film begins with remarkable nest-building close-ups; the soft fiber bird home rests on the Carroll’s porch clothesline in Las Vegas. Inventive 360-degree macro shots follow the progress, including egg development, incubation, hatching, feedings, nest defense (including chasing away the Carrolls’ cat), and first flight. Honey’s protective and attentive mothering is enlivened through Noriko Carroll’s informative and humorous narration and rich musical soundtrack. This entertaining film includes a bonus making-of feature. Bird and nature fans will be entranced.”
— Carol Holzberg
Booklist (American Library Association)